Elisabeth Thiessen

As a podcaster, coach and trainer, I help you to balance your job and family life with much more energy and serenity and create a happy and fulfilling life for yourself

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How well do you manage to
balance job and family life?

  • Do you feel frustrated because most of the time it feels like you are just functioning?
  • Do you feel torn between your job and your family and have the feeling that you are neither fulfilling your role as a mother nor your role as an employee the way you would like to? Not to mention your partnership.
  • Do you have a latent feeling of guilt, and do you simply feel tired and exhausted because there is never time for yourself, and you are no longer a priority in your life?
  • Is the price you are paying to do a great job at work and at home your own needs and thus your own well-being?

All of this sounds familiar to me. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Even as a mother, it is possible to be a priority in your own life again and combine work and family with much more serenity and ease. I am happy to show you how. 


Known from   (Click on the logo to read the articles. Articles are in German)


«With the course “Get your power back” and the coaching sessions with Elisabeth, I learned to identify my needs, respect them and make them a priority again. Thank you for all the AHA-moments.»


«Elisabeth gets you to express your wishes and goals. She has the talent to give a unique structure to ideas that are not fully formed yet which is extremely helpful in realizing your dreams.»


«I have much more clarity about my own needs again and have learned to realize them. This was not always the case before, especially as a working mother of twins. The course “Get your power back” was an absolute game changer for me and I can highly recommend it to anyone who wants to combine work and family life with more joy, energy and serenity.»


«I have worked with other coaches in the past but with Elisabeth I actually have a clearer handle on my values, was able to set meaningful goals (and have achieved some of them already), and most importantly was able to craft a vision of my future that still makes me feel highly energised!»


«I was able to apply the content and examples of the course “Get your power back” very well to my everyday work and family life, which has helped me and my wife to stay relaxed in many situations.»

My story

Hi, I am Elisabeth

After the birth of my second son and having worked in management consultancy for over 10 years, I came to a crossroads in my career. I liked my job, but I had to realize that with my own family, there were other priorities in my life. I began to ask myself how I could balance work and family without constantly reaching my limits, how I could be the mother I really wanted to be and at the same time have a job that fulfilled me. Basically, how I could create a life that allowed me to have both.

What seemed impossible for a long time became my new reality when I began to understand that the only limits, we have, are in our heads. And that I don’t have to change the circumstances around me (which is usually hopeless), but only myself (which is the only thing we can really change).

As soon as I started to change my beliefs that kept me where I was and I had the clarity about what I really wanted, my life started to fundamentally change.

Everything I’ve learned from my mentors and coaches (on my own journey) I now share with my clients so they too can live the life they’ve always wanted.


Your own personal development is the 

greatest  gift

you can do for yourself, and for everyone around you


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